Welcome to our web pages
Our research work involves computer simulations of molecular materials, concentrating on liquid crystals, polymers, lipids, proteins and nanostructured soft materials.
The group is led by Prof. Mark Wilson
Click for a single page pictorial summary of our research.
Our work is sponsored by EPSRC
Ph.D Projects in the Group starting in 2022
There is funding for a PhD studentship in the group working on development of coarse-grained models for polymers.
In addition, a list of funding schemes for studentships is provided at
Projects of interest for October 2022 start include:
- Understanding order and phase behaviour in bent-core liquid crystals: a computer simulation approach using atomistic and coarse-grained models.
- Better models for understanding the structure and behaviour of PVA/PVAc films at a molecular level.
Contact Mark Wilson for further details: [email protected]
Information about the PhD application process at Durham can be found at:
Application for a PhD is via a on-line form:
Some details for overseas students studying at Durham can be found at:
Further useful links are on the Durham Chemistry pages:
and University pages:
Old News
August 2017 Head of Department
Mark has finished his term as Head of Department in the Chemistry Department in Durham.