Current EPSRC grants
- EP/P007864/1 Molecular Migration in Complex Matrices: Towards Predictive Design of Structured Products
- EP/L00111X/1 Molecular Dynamics and EPR spectroscopy on lipid bilayers: new approaches to study biological membranes
Recently Completed EPSRC grants
- EP/J004413/1 Chromonic phase behaviour based on planar discs functionalized with EO (ethylenoxy) groups
- EP/H051759/1 New Multiscale Tools for Protein Physics: Thermal Protein Dynamics in Signalling and Allostery.
- EP/H020411/1 Bridging the gap between Molecular Dynamics and EPR spectroscopy: Application to Liquid Crystal systems
For further information see my details on the EPSRC web-site.
Completed EPSRC grants and final reports
EP/E019412/1 Self-assembly of chromonic liquid crystals: a combined experimental and theoretical approach.
EP/D055237/1 Adventures in Chemistry at Durham University
EP/D500400/1 Theory and simulation of the cubatic liquid crystalline phase
Atomistic simulations of liquid crystals and the design of new crystalline materials for the 21st century GR/S30290/01(P) 12/1/2004-11/1/2007
Summary of project outcomes (for non-specialist audience)
Final Report (Microsoft Word format)
HPC development project: parallel programs for the simulation of complex fluids GR/S43054/01(P) 1/11/2003-31/10/2004
Summary of project outcomes (for non-specialist audience)
Final Report (Microsoft Word format)
Molecular dynamics program developed on this project.
EPSRC Grant: A new parallel program for Monte Carlo simulation of small molecules, liquid crystals, polymers and dendrimers GR/R60164/01(P) 17/11/2001-16/11/2003
Summary of project outcomes (for non-specialist audience)
Final Report (Microsoft Word format)
Monte Carlo program developed on this project.
EPSRC Grant: (JREI) Computer simulation of molecules, molecular interactions and materials. GR/M92287/01 31/08/2000-30/08/2003
Summary of project outcomes (for non-specialist audience)
Final Report (Microsoft Word format)
Full grant reference list (Microsoft Word format)
EPSRC Grant: Computer simulation of liquid crystal phases using atomistic potentials. GR/M21676/01 01/10/1999-30/09/2002
Pictorial summary of work
Final Abstract
Final Report (Microsoft Word format)
Older EPSRC grants – ending before 2003
- Computer simulation of liquid crystals GR/G34780/01
- Computer simulation of classical and quantum condensed systems GR/H11860/01
- Computer studies of molecular properties and interactions, and organised phases GR/H58810/01
- Simulation and statistical mechanics of complex fluids GR/K42400/01
- Simulation and statistical mechanics of complex fluids GR/L04948/01
- Molecular modelling of liquid crystalline materials: high performance computing consortium proposal GR/M16023/01
For further information see my details on the EPSRC web-site.