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  • access to 3500+ cores on the hamilton supercomputer in Durham (E5520/2.26 GHz Nehalem processors – total of 8 or 12 cores per node with QDR InfiniBand interconnects, 24 or 48 GBt per node giving a total of > 6 TBt RAM)
  • access to 2x 512 Gbt shared memory machines (4×6 core Intel Xeon X7542/2.66 GHz Nehalem processors )
  • HP Lustre/SFS File System with 27 TB of usable storage
  • access to the Durham Visualization Laboratory
  • Linux powered large LCD screen desktop machines
  • Windows server remote desktop

Wolfson suite

  • The group is housed in a new computational chemistry suite funded by the Wolfson Foundation.
  • This provides an air-conditioned deskroom and machine room, plus discussion area with tea and coffee facilities.