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Ph.D. positions

Normal entry requirements for a Ph.D. would be a good Masters degree in Chemistry, Physics or a related topic. We would also consider applications from exceptional BSc students, though these students would be required to register for a Masters degree initially.

Those seeking funding for a PhD studentship may apply via external schemes, such as the Durham Doctoral Fellowships scheme
see link here. and the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) programme. A further list of funding schemes for studentships is provided at
For self-funded students, fees to study for a PhD or a research-based MSc. are paid to the University. The costs of fees can be found through the university tuition fees pages, to be found at
All our PhD projects are in the area of computer simulations of soft matter (including projects on liquid crystals, polymers, proteins, and membranes) using methods such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation.

Please see the group home page for further details of current studentships.
Information about the PhD application process at Durham can be found at:
Application for a PhD is via an online form:
Some details for overseas students studying at Durham can be found at:
Further useful links are on the Durham Chemistry pages:
and University pages:

PDRA Positions

Postdoctoral workers in the group are paid according to the University scale at either level 6 or 7, depending on the nature of the post. Postdoctoral workers come in two forms, a) those working on projects funded by a research council or industry grant, b) those with personal fellowships. We advertise all new PDRA posts on the group web pages, on the Durham University vacancies pages and on

We are always interested in hearing from good candidates who are able to provide their own source of funding through fellowships etc. For the right candidates, we are able to provide state-of-the-art facilities for research (15000+ processor core computer system), a stimulating research environment and excellent academic support. Finally, there are a number of fellowship opportunities for outstanding researchers who like to join the group or to work in computational soft matter. Details are included in the link below (which includes links to university fellowships and also fellowships funded by outside bodies). These fellowships are very competitive (extremely competitive!) but are suitable for candidates with outstanding academic publication records. They include junior research fellowships and also some schemes targeted at international senior scientists. here